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Please provide the information in the boxes below.


In the message section please give the following information:

1-your phone number

2-a brief description of the topic/reason/issue you are seeking help with 

     (anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issue, and so on)

3-what type of session you want 

     (individual counselling, join a group, family session, or wanting a workshop/public engagement event


If you prefer telephone contact, please call 519-254-1857


Name *

Email *




Success! Message received.

Suite 350

600 Tecumseh Rd East

Windsor, ON N8X 4W2

Call: 519-254-1857

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"We shall not cease from exploration,

and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started

and know the place for the first time.” 

T. S. Elliot

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Elaine Coventry, Created in appreciation with

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